Global Annual Activity Report
2023 (art. 33.4 Financial Regulations 2017) -
2024-01-D-17-en-3 (published on 22 May 2024)
This report also refers to the following documents:- Facts and figures on the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year in the European Schools - 2023-10-D-7-en-2 (published on 22 May 2024)
- This document contains:
- pupil numbers by School and trend over three years;
- the breakdown of pupils by category, by nationality, by teaching level and by language section;
- choices of Language 2, Language 3 and Languages 4 by School;
- personnel (Seconded Staff, Part-time Teachers, Administrative and Ancillary Staff).
- Report on school failures and repeat rates in the European Schools 2023 - 2023-09-D-14-en-2 (published on 20 February 2024)
- Statistical Report on the Provision of Educational Support and Inclusive Education in the European Schools in the School Year 2022-2023 - 2023-12-D-8-en-5 (published on 22 May 2024)
- ICT Report for 2023 & ICT Plan for 2024 - 2024-01-D-21-en-3 + Annex: Report on the IT-PEDA Strategy Working group activities – 2024-02-D-42-en-1 (published on 22 May 2024)
- Report on European Baccalaureate 2023 - 2023-06-D-32-en-5 (published on 18 January 2024)
- Annual Activity Report 2023 of the Office of the Secretary General - 2024-01-D-16-en-3 (published on 22 May 2024)
- Accredited European Schools Data 15 October 2023 - 2023-10-D-5-en-1
- Annual plan 2024 of the Office of the Secretary-General of the European Schools des Ecoles européennes - 2024-02-D-36-en-3 (published on 22 May 2024)
Joint Report of the Irish presidency for the Boards of Inspectors and the Joint Teaching Committee –
2022-2023 school year -
2023-09-D-40-en-3 (published on 22 January 2024)
Consolidated accounts of the European Schools
2023 -
2024-09-D-31-en-1 (published on 27 November 2024)
Report of the Chair of the Budgetary Committee
2022-2023 -
2023-10-D-46-en-3 (published on 22 January 2024)
Global Annual Activity Report
2022 (art. 33.4 Financial Regulations 2017) -
2023-02-D-2-en-3 (published on 31 May 2023)
This report also refers to the following documents:
Facts and figures on the beginning of the
2022-2023 school year in the European Schools:
2022-10-D-18-en-2 (published on 27 April 2023)
This document contains:
pupil numbers by School and trend over three years;
the breakdown of pupils by category, by nationality, by teaching level and by language section;
choices of Language 2, Language 3 and Languages 4 by School;
personnel (Seconded Staff, Part-time Teachers, Administrative and Ancillary Staff).
Report on European Baccalaureate 2022 - 2022-10-D-1-en-5 (published on 10 January 2023)
- Accredited European Schools Data 15 October 2022 - 2022-10-D-48-en-1
Report on school failures and repeat rates in the European Schools
2022 - 2022-09-D-30-en-2 (published on 23 January 2023)
Statistical Report on the Provision of Educational Support and Inclusive Education in the European Schools in the School Year
2021-2022 -
2022-12-D-6-en-6 (published on 5 May 2023)
Annual plan 2023 of the Office of the Secretary-General of the European Schools - 2023-02-D-14-en-3 (published on 11 May 2023)
ICT Report for
2022 & ICT Plan for 2023 -
2023-02-D-46-en-3 + Annex: Report of the IT-PEDA Working Group
2022 - 2023-02-D-52-en-1 (published on 26 May 2023)
Annual Activity Report 2022 of the Office of the Secretary General -
2023-02-D-1-en-3 (published on 31 May 2023)
Report of the Chair of the Budgetary Committee
2021-2022 -
2022-10-D-38-en-3 (published on 23 January 2023)
Joint Report of the Croatian presidency for the Boards of Inspectors and the Joint Teaching Committee –
2021-2022 school year -
2022-09-D-77-en-3 (published on 13 April 2023)
Consolidated accounts of the European Schools
2022 -
2023-09-D-65-en-1 (published on 30 November 2023)
Report of the Court of Auditors for the financial year
2022 -
2023-10-D-44-en-3 (published on 13 December 2023)
How the European Schools Compare Internationally. PISA for Schools 2022 - OECD (December 2022)
Annual Activity Report
2021 (art. 33.4 Financial Regulations 2017) -
2022-02-D-2-en-3 (published on 3 June 2022)
This report also refers to the following documents:
Facts and figures on the beginning of the
2021-2022 school year in the European Schools:
2021-10-D-12-en-2 (published on 26 April 2022)
Accredited European Schools Data
15 October 2021 - 2021-09-D-74-en-1
Report on school failures and repeat rates in the European Schools
2021 - 2021-09-D-20-en-2 (published on 20 January 2022)
Report on European Baccalaureate 2021 - 2021-07-D-1-en-5 (published on 20 January 2022)
Annual Activity Report 2021 of the Office of the Secretary General -
2022-02-D-1-en-3 (published on 3 June 2022)
Statistical Report on the Provision of Educational Support and Inclusive Education in the European Schools in the School Year
2020-2021 -
2021-11-D-31-en-5 (published on 9 June 2022)
Multi-Annual Business Plan of the European School System -
2022-24 -
2022-01-D-21-en-4 (published on 27 June 2022)
Annual plan 2022 of the Office of the Secretary-General of the European Schools - 2022-02-D-4-en-3
ICT Report for
2021 -
2022-01-D-83-en-3 + Annex: Report of the IT-PEDA Working Group
2019, 2020, 2021 - 2022-02-D-3-en-1 (published on 8 September 2022)
Report of the Chair of the Budgetary Committee
2020-2021 -
2021-10-D-32-en-3 (published on 26 January 2022)
Joint Report of the French presidency for the Boards of Inspectors and the Joint Teaching Committee –
2020-2021 school year -
2021-09-D-13-en-3 (published on 21 March 2022)
Consolidated accounts of the European Schools
2021 -
2022-09-D-38-en-1 (published on 30 November 2022)
Report of the Court of Auditors for the financial year
2021 -
2022-10-D-34-en-3 (published on 13 December 2022)
Joint Report of the Spanish presidency for the Boards of Inspectors and the Joint Teaching Committee –
2019-2020 school year -
2020-09-D-49-en-3 (published on 21 January 2021)
Report of the Chair of the Budgetary Committee
2019-2020 -
2020-10-D-53-en-3 (published on 21 January 2021)
Data on Budget implementation
2020 -
2021-02-D-45-en-3 (published on 30 June 2021)
Consolidated accounts of the European Schools
2020 -
2021-09-D-54-en-2 (published on 30 November 2021)
Report of the Court of Auditors for
2020 -
2021-10-D-27-en-3 (published on 14 December 2021)
Joint Report of the Greek presidency for the Boards of Inspectors and the Joint Teaching Committee –
2018-2019 school year -
2019-09-D-44-en-3 (published on 10 January 2020)
Report of the Court of Auditors for
2019 -
2020-10-D-51-en-3 (published on 23 December 2020)
Consolidated accounts of the European Schools
2019 -
2020-07-D-25-en-1 (published on 23 December 2020)
Report of the Secretary-General of the European Schools
2018 -
2019-01-D-65-en-3 (published on 3 May 2019)
This report also refers to the following documents:
Facts and figures on the beginning of the
2018-2019 school year in the European Schools:
2018-10-D-17-en-3 (updated on 3 April 2019)
Policy on enrolment in the Brussels European Schools for the
2019-2020 school year - 2018-12-D-14-en-2
Fact sheets on Accredited European Schools
2018-2019 - 2018-11-D-21-en-2
Report on European Baccalaureate 2018 -
2018-09-D-12-en-6 (published on 28 March 2019)
Report on school failures and repeat rates in the European Schools
2018 -
2018-09-D-26-en-2 (published on 3 May 2019)
Statistical report on educational support and on the integration of pupils with special educational needs into the European Schools in the year
2017-2018 -
2018-11-D-32-en-4 (published on 3 May 2019)
Annual Activity Report
2018 (art. 103.6 Financial Regulations 2017) -
2019-03-D-1-en-2 (published on 3 May 2019)
Multi-annual and annual plan
2019 of the Office of the Secretary-General of the European Schools -
2019-03-D-19-en-2 (published on 3 May 2019)
ICT Report for
2018 -
2019-02-D-17-en-3 + Annex: Report of the IT-PEDA Working Group - 2019-02-D-16 (published on 6 June 2019)
Annual Report of the Financial Controller for the year
2018 -
2019-02-D-25-en-3 (published on 26 June 2019)
Joint Report of the Estonian presidency for the Joint Board of Inspectors and the Joint Teaching Committee –
2017-2018 school year -
2018-09-D-48-en-3 (published on 9 December 2019)
Report of the Court of Auditors for
2018 -
2019-10-D-22-en-2 (published on 10 January 2020)
Joint Report of the German presidency for the Joint Board of Inspectors and the Joint Pedagogical Committee –
2016-2017 school year -
2017-11-D-20-en-2 (published on 8 March 2018)
Report of the Chair of the Budgetary Committee
2016-2017 -
2016-10-D-27-en-3 (published on 12 December 2017)
Annual Report of the Financial Controller for the year
2017 -
2018-02-D-21-en-3 (published on 17 July 2018)
Consolidated accounts of the European Schools
2017 -
2018-07-D-15-en-1 (published on 15 March 2019)
Report of the Court of Auditors for
2017 -
2019-02-D-54-en-2 (published on 8 March 2019)
Report of the Secretary-General of the European Schools
2016 -
2017-01-D-10-en-2 (published on 11 May 2017)
This report also refers to the following documents:
Facts and figures on the beginning of the
2016-2017 school year in the European Schools:
2016-10-D-2-en-2 (updated on 11 May 2017)
Policy on enrolment in the Brussels European Schools for the
2017-2018 school year - 2016-12-D-11-en-3
Fact sheets on Accredited European Schools
2016-2017 - 2016-09-D-1-en-1
Report on European Baccalaureate 2016 -
2016-08-D-8-en-5 (published on 10 February 2017)
Report on school failures and repeat rates in the European Schools
2016 -
2016-09-D-40-en-3 (published on 11 May 2017)
Statistical report on educational support and on the integration of pupils with special educational needs into the European Schools in the year
2015-2016 -
2017-01-D-16-en-4 (published on 12 May 2017)
Joint Report of the Danish presidency of the Boards of Inspectors and of the Teaching Committee –
2015-2016 school year -
2016-08-D-10-en-3 (published on 10 February 2017)
Report of the Chair of the Budgetary Committee
2015-2016 -
2016-10-D-36-en-3 (published on 14 February 2017)
Annual Report of the Financial Controller for the year
2016 -
2017-02-D-14-en-2 (published on 10 May 2017)
Consolidated accounts of the European Schools
2016 -
2017-05-D-35-en-1 (published on 13 July 2017)
Report of the Court of Auditors for
2016 -
2017-10-D-42-en-3 (published on 10 January 2018)
Report of the Secretary-General of the European Schools
2015 -
2016-01-D-50-fr-2 (updated April 2016)
This report also refers to the following documents:
Facts and figures on the beginning of the
2015-2016 school year in the European Schools:
Policy on enrolment in the Brussels European Schools for the
2016-2017 school year - 2015-12-D-7-en-3
Fact sheets on Accredited European Schools - 2015-11-D-6-en-1
Statistical report on educational support and on the integration of pupils with special educational needs into the European Schools in the year
2014-2015 -
2016-01-D-9-en-4 (April 2016)
Consolidated accounts of the European Schools
2015 -
2016-05-D-7-en (published on 30 November 2016)
Report of the Court of Auditors for
2015 -
2016-11-D-28-en (published on 1 December 2016)
Report of the Secretary-General of the European Schools
2014 -
2015-01-D-70-en-2 (updated April 2015)
This report also refers to the following documents: -
Facts and figures on the beginning of the
2014-2015 school year in the European Schools -
2014-10-D-1-en-2 (updated March 2015)
Policy on enrolment in the Brussels European Schools for the 2015-2016 school year -
Fact sheets on Accredited European schools -
Statistical report on the integration of pupils with special educational needs in the European Schools in the year
2014 -
2014-12-D-8-en-4 (April 2015)
Report of the Secretary-General of the European Schools
2013 -
2014-01-D-23-en-2 (updated April 2014)
This report also refers to the following documents: -
Facts and figures on the beginning of the
2013-2014 school year in the European Schools -
Policy on enrolment in the Brussels European Schools for the
2014-2015 school year -
Fact sheets on Accredited European schools -
Statistics on the integration of pupils with special educational needs into the European Schools in the year
2013 -
2014-01-D-17-en-3 (April 2014)
Report of the Secretary-General of the European Schools
2012 -
2013-02-D-21-en-2 (updated April 2013)
This report also refers to the following documents: -
Facts and figures on the beginning of the
2012-2013 school year in the European Schools -
Policy on enrolment in the Brussels European Schools for the 2013-2014 school year -
Fact sheets on types II and III schools -
Statistics on the integration of SEN pupils into the European Schools in the year
2012 -
2013-01-D-28-en-3 (April 2013)
How Your School Compares Internationally. PISA-Based Test for Schools: European School, Culham - OECD (2012)
Report of the Secretary-General of the European Schools
2011 -
2012-01-D-55-en-2 (updated April 2012)
This report also refers to the following documents: -
Facts and figures on the beginning of the
2011-2012 school year in the European Schools -
This document also includes figures on pupils’ repeat rate for the 2010-2011 school year and the 2011 Baccalaureate results. -
Policy on enrolment in the Brussels European Schools for the 2012-2013 school year -
Fact sheets on types II and III schools -
Statistics on the integration of SEN pupils into the European Schools [
2011] -
2012-01-D-45-en-3 (April 2012)
Annual Report of the Secretary-General to the Board of Governors of the European Schools
2010 -
2011-02-D-39-en-2 (updated April 2011)
This report also refers to the following documents: -
Facts and figures on the beginning of the
2010-2011 school year in the European Schools -
2010-D-569-en-3 (December 21, 2010)
Policy on enrolment in the Brussels European Schools for the
2011-2012 school year -
Fact sheets on Types II and III Schools -
Statistics on the integration of SEN pupils into the European Schools [
2010] -
2011-01-D-37-en-3 (April 2011)
Annual Report of the Secretary-General to the Board of Governors of the European Schools
2009 -
2010-D-63-en-2 (updated April 2010)
This report also refers to the following documents: -
Facts and Figures on the Start of the
2009-2010 School Year in the European Schools -
2009-D-2910-en-3 (December 2010)
External Evaluation of the European Baccalaureate - University of Cambridge (January 2009)
External Evaluation of the European Baccalaureate (Annexes) - University of Cambridge (January 2009)
Report of the Secretary-General of the European Schools 2007
112-D-2007-en-3 (update : 28/02/2008)