Service Regulations

Profile, duties, rules for appointment and service regulations of the Secretary-General and the Deputy Secretary-General - 2010-D-362-en-16

Evaluation of Seconded and Locally Recruited Teachers in the European Schools - 2023-01-D-32-en-3
Description of the duties of nursery teachers and assistants - 96-D-31-en
Religion courses in the primary and secondary cycles of the European schools - 2008-D-356-en-4
Control of the level of linguistic competence as part of the procedure for recruitment of non-native speaker teaching and educational support staff - 2018-01-D-65-en-3

Safety and Ethics

Events and Experiences

Common Framework for ‘Events’ organised by the European Schools - 2019-12-D-36-en-8

EUROSPORT Handbook - 2023-09-D-41-en-2
FAMES Handbook - 2018-05-D-16-en-3

Pupils Mobility