Each year, at their January meetings, the School Boards set the holiday dates for the upcoming school year.
contact your children's school for information about school holidays not appearing on this website.
Holidays in all the Schools for the
2024/2025 school year - 2024-09-D-28-fr-1
xlsx |
Holidays in all the Schools for the
2025/2026 school year - 2025-01-D-75-fr-1
xlsx |
All parents are expected to keep to these dates and to arrange their holiday periods so that their children's education is not disrupted. The Schools consider that the school year is not excessively long and are therefore unable to agree to any reduction in the number of days of school attendance.
Some dates...
Some dates...
The Directors decided (2021-04-D-13-en-1) that the end-dates for the following school years would be:
School Year
End-dates (last day)
| 4 July 2025
| 3 July 2026
| 2 July 2027
Some rules...
Extract from the
General Rules of the European Schools, Annex I:
- The school year may not begin before the second working day in September
- Locally recruited teachers will start working on the first working day in September, that day being used for the General meeting, extraordinary Class Councils (appeals), testing of pupils etc.
- The school year must consist of 180 working days for pupils (181 in leap years).
- The last day of the school year must be the same day in all the European Schools and will be 7 July or thereabouts.
- The schools should allocate:
a. one week for the All Saints half-term holiday, to include 1 November
b. two weeks for Christmas/New Year, beginning around 22 December
c. one week for the Spring mid-term break, preferably the week in which Shrove Tuesday falls
d. two weeks for Easter, preferably one before and one after Easter Sunday [1].
All European Schools should ensure that all pupils of the Orthodox religion courses may observe the Orthodox Church’s Easter Monday.
e. Community holiday, to be marked either by a holiday or by organised activities to raise awareness of the Community
f. Whit Monday
g. Summer holidays: approx. 8 weeks.
- Additional holidays: Days may be allocated by Administrative Boards according to local requirements, including, for example, Labour Day and Ascension Day where these are national holidays.
- The holidays listed in points a, b, c and d will be harmonised across the Schools located in the same city (Brussels, Luxembourg).
[1] The European School of
Mol which needs to respect the organisation of boarding institutions attended by some pupils may organise the Easter holidays differently, if necessary, in order to conform its school calendar to the Belgian Flemish educational system.
The European Schools in
Luxembourg which are highly affected by the lack of public transport during vacation periods for the Public schools, may organize the All Saints mid-term holiday and the Spring mid-term break differently, if necessary, in order to align their school calendar to the Luxembourgish educational system. Doing so, the European Schools in Luxembourg have to respect the overall length of the school year as defined by the General Rules and should also respect regular attendance at common meetings within the European Schools system.