What is the European Baccalaureate?
The European Baccalaureate is referred to in Article 5.2 of the 1994 Convention defining the Statute of the European Schools and is governed by the agreement of 11 April 1984, called Regulations for the European Baccalaureate (available in the
Basic texts).
These Regulations were amended in April 2008 in order to create a legal framework giving access to the European Baccalaureate for students of accredited European schools.
It states that the European Baccalaureate "shall certify the completion of studies at the European School
or of
European schooling provided by a school accredited by the Board of Governors, in the manner determined by the Board of Governors".
The European Baccalaureate certifies, at the end of secondary year 7, the completion of studies in the European Schools and accredited European schools.
Only students who have received European schooling and education in secondary years 6 and 7 in either a European School or a school which has been expressly accredited by the Board of Governors are allowed to enter for the European Baccalaureate.
The certificate awarded to students who have passed the European Baccalaureate examination is recognised in all EU countries and in a number of other countries. European Baccalaureate-holders enjoy in their respective countries the same rights and benefits as holders of the diploma or certificate awarded at the end of secondary education in those countries. They also have the same rights as nationals with equivalent qualifications when seeking admission to universities or higher education institutions in all EU countries.
Is it possible to take the European Baccalaureate in accredited European schools now?
The European Baccalaureate in its current form can be offered in an accredited European school.
At present, only some accredited European schools offer secondary years 6 and 7 leading up to the European Baccalaureate.