​Vacancies are advertised on the website www.meesterbaan.nl and on the website of the Foundation for Dutch Education Abroad (NOB), www.stichtingnob.nl under 'Vacatures'.

Candidates who meet the criteria required for the available post are invited to put their application by following the instructions given in the vacancy text.  

For any information, please contact Ms. C. Huls (general information) or Ms L. Alting (recruitment and personnel matters).

Ms. Ceciel Huls
Dep. Chair Dutch Delegation, Board of Governors of the European Schools
Stichting NOB
Unit European Schools
Parkweg 20a
2271 AJ Voorburg
Phone: +31 (0) 6 34995580
Email: ceciel.huls@stichtingnob.nl

Mr. Jesse Faber
Stichting NOB
Human Resources Advisor, European Schools
Parkweg 20a
2271 AJ Voorburg
Phone: +31 (0) 6 18198275
Email: jesse.faber@stichtingnob.nl

More information can be found on the website of the Foundation for Dutch Education Abroad: www.stichtingnob.nl/werken-op-een-es