Teaching staff to be seconded to the European Schools are recruited by a process organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. The selection mechanism is designed to check professional, cultural and service qualifications and the knowledge of the foreign language chosen.

Teachers who take the selection process are put onto a permanent classification list based on the scores achieved. The permanent classification list remains in force for six years. If the list contains no names before the said term expires, a new selection process is launched.

The period of service is set at six years and is not renewable.
Article 35 of “Decreto Legislativo 13 aprile 2017, n.64” governs the matter.

More information:
Ministero degli affari esteri
DGSP – Ufficio V
Piazzale della Farnesina, 1
I-00135 ROMA
Tel. +39 06 3691 7188/2665
www.esteri.it (Politica estera > Diplomazio culturale > Scuole italiane all'estero)