​Invitation to submit applications:

Vacancies are published on the website of Government of Hungary  www.kormany.hu
Candidates should send their applications to the State Secretariat for Public Education in the Ministry of Interior. Teachers are selected by a Selection Committee (consisting of the head of delegation, primary and secondary inspectors and representatives of the Ministry of Interior) after scrutiny of the applications and interviews.
The State Secretary for Public Education takes the decision to appoint candidates on the basis of the Committee’s recommendations.

Basic requirements:
Candidates must:
  • hold a university or college degree as defined in Section 17 of the Act LXXIX of 1993 on Public Education;
  • have a very good knowledge of at least one of the vehicular languages;
  • have at least five years of teaching practice. 
For further information, please contact:
Ms Brigitta Mikina
Primary inspector
Email: brigitta.mikina@inspector.eursc.eu
Phone: +36 1 246 5340, +36 1 246 5341, +36 1 309 5159
Mr Tamás Jakab
Secondary inspector
Email : tamas.jakab@inspector.eursc.eu