• ​​​Catego​ry 1: These pupils are exempt from school fees.

  • Contribution applicable to Category ​2 (financing agreements)
​​​Fees per pupil (2023/2024)​ ​ ​
​School​ Enrolment as for 2004/2005
​Alicante​​13,646.51 EUR
​Bergen​20,426.75 EUR
​Brussels​11,127.70 EUR
​Frankfurt​12,191.52 EUR
​Karlsruhe​13,972.26 EUR
​Luxembourg​12,634.27 EUR
​Mol​19,300.85 EUR
​Munich​14,858.47 EUR
​Varese​14,954.59 EUR

  • ​School fees applicable to Catego​ry 3 for the 2023/2024 school year

​a) School fees for pupils enrolled as category 3 pupils from school year ​2013/2014 onwards​ ​ ​ ​
School ​Nursery ​Primary ​Secondary
​Alicante ​​4,200.69 EUR 5,776.01 EUR 7,876.36 EUR
​Bergen4,032.66 EUR ​5,544.97 EUR ​7,561.31 EUR
​Brussels ​​4,200.69 EUR 5,776.01 EUR 7,876.36 EUR
​Frankfurt​ ​​4,200.69 EUR 5,776.01 EUR 7,876.36 EUR
​Karlsruhe 4,032.66 EUR ​5,544.97 EUR ​7,561.31 EUR
​Luxembourg 4,032.66 EUR ​5,544.97 EUR ​7,561.31 EUR
​Mol​​4,200.69 EUR 5,776.01 EUR 7,876.36 EUR
​Munich​​4,200.69 EUR 5,776.01 EUR 7,876.36 EUR
​Varese 4,032.66 EUR ​5,544.97 EUR ​7,561.31 EUR​​​

     ​​b) School fees for pupils already enrolled as category 3 pupils in the 2012/2013 school year​ ​
​Nursery 3,427.76 EUR 
​Primary 4,713.22 EUR
​Secondary ​6,427.11 EUR

These amounts are quoted for guidance only and the Schools cannot be held liable in any way for the information given.
Please contact the Sc​hools should you require any further information.​