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Grundlegende Texte in Englisch
Legal Basis
Convention defining the Statute of the European Schools - SW1_21994A0817-en
Protocols on the setting up of European Schools with reference to the Statute of the European School - SW2_Dispos_A3-en
Criteria for the setting up, closure or maintenance of European Schools - 2015-04-D-18-en-1
Agreement between the European School and the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) - SW3_Dispos_A4-en
Agreements with the European Communities and with intergovernmental or private organizations or institutions - SW4_Dispos_A6-en
Reform of the European Schools System - Approved by the Board of Governors of the European Schools Meeting in Stockholm on 21, 22 and 23 April 2009 - 2009-D-353-en-4
Administrative Bodies
Profile, duties, rules for appointment and service regulations of the Secretary-General and the Deputy Secretary-General - 2010-D-362-en-15
Rules of procedure for the Board of Governors of the European Schools - 2016-11-D-20-en-4
Rules of procedure for the Joint Teaching Committee - 2021-01-D-69-en-4
Rules of procedure for the Budgetary Committee - 2016-10-D-37-en-4
Rules of procedure for the Boards of Inspectors - 2021-01-D-70-en-4
Inspectorate of the European Schools - 2020-09-D-35-en-10
Rules of procedure for the Administrative Boards of the European Schools - 2018-04-D-20-en-1
The Administrative Boards - Dispos_B5-en
Rules of Procedure for the Central Enrolment Authority for the Brussels European Schools - 2016-11-D-25-en-3
Implementing Rules Establishing the Rights and Procedures of the Representation of the Teaching Staff of the European Schools - 2018-08-D-9-en-2
Statute of the Conseil Supérieur des Elèves (CoSup) - 2023-10-D-30-en
Election Procedures of the Pupils' Representatives within the European School System - 2019-01-D-55-en-6
Service Regulations
Regulations for Members of the Seconded Staff of the European Schools - 2011-04-D-14-en-23
Regulations for Members of the Seconded Staff of the European Schools (2011-04-D-14) - Certificate - 2011-03-D-9-en-22
Service Regulations for the Locally recruited teachers in the European Schools - 2016-05-D-11-en-15
Service Regulations for Locally Recruited Managerial Staff of the European Schools - 2020-04-D-23-en-4
Service Regulations for the Administrative and Ancillary Staff (AAS) of the European Schools - 2007-D-153-en-14
Implementing Regulations for the Appointment and Evaluation of Directors and Deputy Directors of the European Schools : Regulations applicable to staff taking up their posts from 1 September 2009 - 2009-D-422-en-5
Implementing Regulations for the Appointment of Assistant Deputy Directors of the European Schools - 2019-12-D-31-en-1
Implementing Regulations for the Evaluation of the Performance of Assistant Deputy Directors of the European Schools - 2021-12-D-39-en-1
Implementing Rules for the Performance Assessment of Deputy Directors for Finance and Administration of the European Schools - 2018-08-D-8-en-1
Implementing Rules for the Evaluation and Progression of Members of the AAS of the European Schools - 2019-02-D-31-en-8
Evaluation of Seconded and Locally Recruited Teachers in the European Schools - 2023-01-D-32-en-3
Basic Regulations
General Rules of the European Schools - 2014-03-D-14-en-14
The European School Curriculum: Structure and Organisation of studies and courses in the European Schools - 2019-04-D-13-en-9
Annex I to document 2019-04-D-13-en: Internal structures in the nursery, primary and secondary cycles - 2019-04-D-13-en-ANNEX-I-3
Annex II to document 2019-04-D-13-en: Educational Support and SWALS support - 2019-04-D-13-en-2-ANNEX II
Financial Regulation applicable to the Budget of the European Schools (includes modifications entering into force as from 1 January 2022) - 2017-12-D-21-en-3
Revision of the Regulations relating to reimbursement of expenses in the event of travel on official business by members of the Board of Governors, members of the Preparatory Committees, members of the Complaints Board, representatives of the Parents' Associations and other persons invited to the European Schools (Baccalaureate examiners, experts, etc.) - 2023-12-D-44-en-1
European Baccalaureate
Regulations for the European Baccalaureate - 2014-11-D-11-en-9
Arrangements for Implementing the Regulations for the European Baccalaureate (applicable for the Year 2025 Baccalaureate session)
Pedagogical Issues
Quality Assurance and Development in the European Schools - 2000-D-264-en-2
Language Policy of the European Schools - 2019-01-D-35-en-8
Assessment Policy in the European Schools - 2011-01-D-61-en-6
Key Competences for Lifelong Learning in the European Schools - 2018-09-D-69-en-2
Digital Education Vision for the European Schools system (DEVES) - 2018-12-D-7-en-4
Digital Competence Framework for the European Schools - 2020-09-D-51-en-2
Distance Teaching and Learning Framework for the European Schools during temporary suspension of regular teaching in situ - 2022-09-D-13-en-3
Assessment tools for the Primary Cycle of the European Schools - 2013-09-D-38-en-11
Pupils’ Well-Being Policy Framework of the European Schools - 2022-01-D-6-en-2
European School Framework in Devising School Homework Policies - 2022-09-D-84-en-1
Common framework for Whole School Inspections in nursery / primary and secondary cycles - 2019-09-D-24-en-5
Framework for school-specific guidelines for transition nursery/ primary/ secondary - 2015-09-D-41-en-2
Structure for all syllabuses in the system of the European Schools - 2019-09-D-27-en-5
Marking system of the European Schools: Guidelines for use - 2017-05-D-29-en-9
Framework for and Organisation of Continuous Professional Development in the European Schools - 2016-01-D-40-en-6
Description of the duties of nursery teachers and assistants - 96-D-31-en
Careers Guidance - 2017-09-D-27-en-7
Guidelines on Organizing Students’ Mobility from and to the European Schools - 2016-01-D49-en-4 + Annex
Guidelines for school outings and trips organized by the nursery and primary departments of the European Schools - 2002-D-54-en
Religion courses in the primary and secondary cycles of the European schools - 2008-D-356-en-4
Common Framework for ‘Events’ organised by the European Schools -
EUROSPORT Handbook - 2023-09-D-41-en-2
FAMES Handbook - 2018-05-D-16-en-3
Handbook for the European Schools’ Science Symposium (ESSS) - 2019-01-D-52-en-4
Handbook for the Model European Council of the European Schools (MEC) - 2023-09-D-43-en-2
Framework for Work Experience (WEX) and the Citizenship Actions for All Programme (CAAP)
Other documents
General framework for the organisation of in-service training for management staff - 2010-D-531-en-6
Control of the level of linguistic competence as part of the procedure for recruitment of non-native speaker teaching and educational support staff - 2018-01-D-65-en-3
Guidelines on Ethics and Integrity in the European Schools - 2022-06-D-23-en-1
Health and Safety Policy for the European Schools & OSG - 2022-09-D-75-en-1
=> See also: Basic Texts about
Educational support
Complaints Board
Accredited European Schools