Enrolment PolicyFirst enrolment phaseSecond enrolment phase Third enrolment phase
Enrolment Policy
Communiqué from the Central Enrolment Authority concerning the reception of displaced Ukrainian pupils at the Brussels European Schools for the 2022-2023 school year (29 June 2022)
Coming soon
Enrolments after the beginning of the school year
In accordance with Article V.11.5. of the Policy on enrolment, “For pedagogical reasons, the Central Enrolment Authority has set
7 April 2017 as the date after which no further enrolment applications may be submitted during the school year”.
Decisions of the Board of Governors concerning the guidelines for the 2023-2024 Policy on Enrolment in the Brussels European Schools -
2022-12-D-15-en-1 (9 December 2022)
Policy on enrolment in the Brussels European Schools for the 2023-2024 school year -
2022-12-D-16-en-3 (5 January 2023)
The Policy on Enrolment in the Brussels European Schools for the 2023-2024 school year will be published as from 5 January 2023.
To help guide parents through the enrolment process for European schools in Brussels, the Parents’ Association of the European Creches and Garderies in Brussels (AdP) is organising an
information meeting at the
Albert Borschette Conference Centre, rue Froissart 36, rooms OA and OB, from 12.30pm to 2.30pm on Tuesday 10 January 2023, to which Mr Andreas Beckmann, Secretary-General of the European Schools, has kindly agreed to participate.
A recording will be available at
ERRATUM: As a result of a misprint in the translation into English of document 2015-12-D-7-en-3 (original version: FR), put on line on 18 December 2015, Article V.11.2. set out on page 25 of the document has been corrected. The corrected version was published on 6 January 2016.
See also at the bottom of this page:
Communiqué from the Central Enrolment Authority concerning the
second enrolment phase for the 2020-2021 school year:
Exceptional arrangements for submission of applications on account of the coronavirus (30 April 2020)
Communiqué from the Central Enrolment Authority concerning the creation of additional classes and year groups at the European School, Brussels I - Berkendael site (17 March 2016)
First enrolment phase
Results of the random ranking provided for by the Policy on Enrolment in the Brussels European Schools for the 2023-2024 School Year - First enrolment phase - 2023-03-D-2-fr-1 (1st March 2023)
You have received a file number by email. You can search for this number in the file above by using the "Find" function (or CTRL+F) in Adobe Reader. ! Look only for the numeric part of the file number:
Erratum on 6 March 2018:
It turns out that a file number was omitted from the random computerised ranking published on 1 March 2018. In accordance with Article 2.18. of the Enrolment Policy for the 2018-2019 school year, this number has been randomly reinserted into the ranking and the list has been corrected.
Communiqué from the Central Enrolment Authority concerning the structure of the classes of the European School, Brussels II - Evere site for the 2021-2022 school year (29 April 2021)
Enrolments in the Brussels European Schools for the 2023-2024 School Year : First enrolment phase – list of the places awarded as at 5 May 2023 -
2023-05-D-1-fr-1 (5 May 2023)
Enrolments in the Brussels European Schools for the 2023-2024 School Year : First enrolment phase – list of the places awarded and accepted as at 23 May 2023 -
2023-05-D-17-fr-1 (23 May 2023)
Second enrolment phase
Period of submission of applications: from 30 May to 16 June 2023
Results of the random ranking provided for by the Policy on Enrolment in the Brussels European Schools for the 2023-2024 School Year - Second enrolment phase (Period of submission of applications: 30 May to 16 June 2023) - 2023-06-D-33-fr-1 (
26 June 2023)
You have received a file number by email. You can search for this number in the file above by using the "Find" function (or CTRL+F) in Adobe Reader. ! Look only for the numeric part of the file number:
Enrolments in the Brussels European Schools for the 2023-2024 School Year : Second enrolment phase (
Period of submission of applications: 30 May to 16 June 2023) – list of the
places awarded as at 20 July 2023 -
2023-07-D-14-fr-1 (
20 July 2023)
Period of submission of applications: from 10 July au 20 July 2023
Results of the random ranking provided for by the Policy on Enrolment in the Brussels European Schools for the 2023-2024 School Year - Second enrolment phase (Period of submission of applications: 10 July au 20 July 2023) - 2023-08-D-7-fr-1 (
29 August 2023)
You have received a file number by email. You can search for this number in the file above by using the "Find" function (or CTRL+F) in Adobe Reader. ! Look only for the numeric part of the file number:
Enrolments in the Brussels European Schools for the 2023-2024 School Year : Second enrolment phase (Period of submission of applications: 10 July au 20 July 2023) – list of the
places awarded as at 4 September 2023 -
2023-09-D-9-fr-1 (4 September 2023)
Period of submission of applications: from 21 August to 25 August 2023
Results of the random ranking provided for by the Policy on Enrolment in the Brussels European Schools for the 2023-2024 School Year - Second enrolment phase (Period of submission of applications: 21 August to 25 August 2023) - 2023-09-D-3-fr-1 (
1 September 2023)
You have received a file number by email. You can search for this number in the file above by using the "Find" function (or CTRL+F) in Adobe Reader. ! Look only for the numeric part of the file number: Ph2-XXX-000000.
Enrolments in the Brussels European Schools for the 2023-2024 School Year : Second enrolment phase (Period of submission of applications: 21 August to 25 August 2023) – list of the
places awarded as at 6 September 2023 -
2023-09-D-15-fr-1 (
6 September 2023)
Enrolments in the Brussels European Schools for the 2023-2024 School Year : Second enrolment phase – list of the places
awarded and accepted as at 18 September 2023 -
2023-09-D-66-fr-1 (18 September 2023)