The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport organises selection interviews for teachers for the European Schools.

Teachers are selected by the Selection Commission composed of: Inspector for the Nursery and Primary cycle and Inspector for the Secondary cycle of the European Schools, Director of Department for EU Affairs, Head of CZ Delegation to the Board of Governors of European Schools, a representative of the Department for Nursery and Primary/ Secondary Education of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, a representative of seconding authority - Centre for International Cooperation (Dům zahraniční spolupráce/DZS), an organization subordinated to the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport which is entrusted by the Ministry to conclude work contracts with the Czech seconded teachers to the European Schools. 

Contact person for selection interviews:

Head of delegation:  
Mr Michal Kohout
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Department of EU Affairs, EU Policy Implementation Unit
Karmelitská 529/5
118 12 Prague 1
Czech Republic
Phone: (+420) 234 812 105
